New Qualifications Required for First Aid Trainers
Recent guidance from the Health and safety Executive and the Skills for Health states than from the 1st October 2015 all those who Assess and Train First Aid or Quality Assure First Aid Qualifications must hold a formal qualification.
Those who train, assess or quality assure others in first aid must have knowledge and competency in first aid as well as knowledge and competency to train, assess or quality assure.
Under Health & Safety Regulations 1981 and the Approved Codes of Practice guidelines an employer has the responsibility to ensure that First Aid provision in the workplace is sufficient. Since 1st October 2013 employers have had more choice in the first aid training they provide for their employees and who they choose to provide it. Therefore, holding the correct qualifications will put you or your centre ahead of the competition. Failure to obtain the correct teaching or assessing qualification will result in non-compliance, which could result in more serious consequences.
All I S Training Staff are qualified to a minimum standard of Cerfiticate of Education or above.